
Morgan McDonald

Health Care Professional Licensure

  • Email:
  • Call: +1 (859) 428-7029
  • Location: Kentucky, United States


Morgan, a Louisville native, has proven she is an attorney who enjoys a challenge. Since joining the firm in 2010, she has been instrumental in securing successful results in some of the firm’s most complex litigation. To some, Morgan’s meticulous attention to detail may be excessive, but if you are acquiring a multi-million dollar healthcare practice or facing discipline by a professional licensing board, you would likely disagree. Innovation is a cornerstone of her approach to developing compelling and effective legal strategies in the court room, in arbitration, and in administrative hearings. Whether she is fighting to preserve one of the nation’s largest grocer’s right to serve WIC and SNAP beneficiaries in a low-income neighborhood or defending a client’s 1st Amendment rights to free speech, Morgan stands tall in her heels. Not only has she been instrumental in securing numerous Certificates of Need to establish health care facilities, but she can also dazzle a dinner party with more than one would ever want to know about healthcare utilization statistics. Morgan is not afraid to go toe-to-toe with an opponent. She has jumped out of more than one perfectly good airplane and scuba dives with sharks, by choice.

While most clients do not ask Morgan to recite the statutes governing administrative hearings, she certainly can and is well-versed in the intricacies of administrative law across a broad range of areas. If an administrative agency deprived a regulated business or professionally licensed individual of their due process rights, Morgan will discover it. She has also comprehensive experience proactively protecting her clients’ interests in a variety of industries through drafting proposed amendments to legislation and working with administrative agencies to ensure they appreciate the potential impact on the client.

As a result of her experience both prosecuting and defending workplace misconduct claims, Morgan has also become a trusted resource to employers faced with allegations of workplace misconduct. Her ability to confidentially and discretely investigate allegations puts witnesses at ease and enables employers to remedy problems before they become liabilities.

As an attorney and ambassador of the firm, Morgan has demonstrated a commitment to develop strong relationships with the firm’s clients. She understands that no two clients are the same, which is why she takes an individualized approach to each client relationship. If a client needs their hand to be held in planning their estate or preparing a prenuptial agreement, Morgan will hold it. Whether she is drafting business contracts, employment agreements, or settlement agreements, Morgan’s objective is to not only protect the client’s current interests, but also their future interests. She takes time to explain legal issues, in English, to ensure the client is comfortable with a particular course of action.

Morgan acquired a number of stamps on her passport prior to joining the Bakers Bblt Association. In addition to travels throughout Western Europe, Central America, Egypt, and Mozambique to name a few, Courtney worked as a legal intern for Hill & Rummery in Canberra, Australia. She also spent her summers during law school as a field research assistant studying great white sharks in Mossel Bay, South Africa, with OCEANS Research.

Practice Areas:

  • Health Care Law
  • Health Care & Managed Care Litigation
  • Health Care Professional Licensure
  • Appellate Practice
  • Administrative Law
  • Business Litigation
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
  • Administrative and Regulatory Compliance law
  • Professional licensing and certifications


  • Louis D. Brandeis School of Law, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
    • Law Journal, Journal of Animal and Environmental Law, 2009, 2010
  • University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
    • B.S.
    • Honors: cum laude
    • Major: Justice Administration

Bar Admissions

  • Kentucky, 2010
  • U.S. Court of Appeals 6th Circuit, 2011

Professional Associations

  • Kentucky Bar Association, Member, 2010 to Present
  • Louisville Bar Association, Member, 2010 to Present
  • Beyond Blue Magazine, Contributing Writer, 2008 to Present

Past Positions

  • Oceans Aware, Education Ambassador, 2008
  • Beyond Blue Magazine, Contributing Writer, 2008

Pro-Bono Activities

  • Oceans Community Charity Association, 2009 to 2010

Published Works

  • Mozambique’s Battle to Protect their Marine Resources, 2 J. of Animal & Envtl. L. 67 , 2011